
Friday, 6 November 2009

Yamato 1:60 Perfect Transformation Roy Fokker VF-1S Strike (& Super) Valkyrie (RM550)

United Nations Spacy (U.N. Spacy) Skull Squadron Leader - Major Roy Fokker: "Every man should throw his live away for a woman once in his life."

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Bandai 1:60 DX Chogokin Ozma Custom VF-25S Armored Messiah (RM750)

Strategic Military Services (S.M.S.) Skull Squadron Leader - Major Ozma Lee:
"If Reaction warheads don't work, then use missiles... If missiles don't work, use guns! And if those doesn't work...! Whether i have to use fists or teeth or fingernails at the end, as long as even a sliver of my will to fight still remains, I'll fight! I'll damn well fight! The women i fell for... If i couldn't protect them, I'd wouldn't be a man!"

You don't like me when i'm angry, i'll give you action if you want action!

Bandai 1:60 DX Chogokin Ozma Custom VF-25S Armored Messiah

Unloading some missiles!

Bandai 1:60 DX Chogokin Ozma Custom VF-25S Armored Messiah

Armored and armed with missile, lots of missiles. Delivering to an enemy near you.

Bandai 1:60 DX Chogokin Ozma Custom VF-25S Messiah

You wanna piece of me? Come get it!

Bandai 1:60 DX Chogokin Ozma Custom VF-25S Messiah

Don't you dare mess with my laptop, i'll blast you with my gattling gun.

Bandai 1:60 DX Chogokin Ozma Custom VF-25S Messiah

Getting ready for take off.

Take off!
