
Wednesday, 29 December 2010

My Collection for Year 2010, Complete~!

The Evolution of Skull Leaders, 2009 - 2059 (1982 - 2007).

Strike Roy Custom & Armoured Ozma Custom.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Where are you, Vajra?

Bandai has a 1:72 prototype, but when?
And I would want a smaller version
to pair with my 1:100 Ozmas.

Bandai 1:72 Regult (RM80)

Regult 2-Scale 2-Type Enemy Display Set, Complete~!

Bandai 1:100 VF Hi-Metal Roy Fokker VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (RM300)

Compared with revo roy.

Roy 3-Mode Display Set, Complete~!
Yamato's 1/60 Version 2 (Fighter),
Bandai's VF Hi-Metal (Gerwalk) and
Revoltech 3-Mode Transformable (Battroid).

Bandai 1:100 VF100's Series VF-25S Ozma Custom, Parts-former & Metallic Fighter (RM130)

Ozma 3-Mode Display Set, Complete~!
Bandai's 1/60 DX Chogokin (Battroid),
VF100's Metallic Coat Limited Edition (Fighter)
and VF100's 3-Mode Parts-former (Gerwalk).

Monday, 25 October 2010

Revoltech Regult (RM130)

Enemy battlepod from SDF Macross and Macross DYRL.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Revoltech Transformable VF-1S (RM130)

Transformable Revoltech version of the VF-1S, it's a fun toy, though not a real collectable.^^

Wednesday, 24 March 2010